On December 13, 2022, representatives of the 40 Ready project team took part in a meeting of the Commission for Digitization and Industry 4.0 of the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

During the meeting, they presented experiences that are the results of the 40 Ready project as well as the possibilities of supporting industry 4.0 in the current financial perspective from regional funds.

Participation in the meeting was an opportunity to obtain information, but above allow to discuss, and exchange experiences of representatives of business, science, and local, and regional government in the field of needs and opportunities to support activities in the field of digitization.

The Commission for Digitization and Industry 4.0 of the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in March 2016 under the name of the Innovation Commission, in order to:

  • shaping market and customer awareness and exchanging experiences aimed at adapting industry 4.0 technological solutions,
  • creating a platform for the exchange of information and experience in the field of financing research projects and their commercialization,
  • undertaking and supporting initiatives for cooperation between Polish and German scientific institutions, research centers, companies, and state administration,
  • creating and submitting consortium programs and joining legislative work on draft legal acts on innovation.

The members of the Commission are representatives of leading global and regional brands. The group of institutions supporting the work of the Commission includes leading scientific entities in Poland and representatives of regional governments.