Today marks the end of an incredible journey as five municipalities: Genoa, Birmingham, Gävle, Tartu an Nyíregyháza came together to collaborate on BETTER, and what a fruitful collaboration it has been!

Throughout this project, we have witnessed the power of cooperation and innovation, as we aimed to strengthen our innovation chains through improved e-services. Together, we have achieved much, and we are proud of what we've accomplished as partners.

From the very beginning, we knew that working together would lead to great things, but the actual experience exceeded our expectations. The valuable knowledge and expertise shared by each municipality were simply inspiring. We've learned so much from one another, and this enriching exchange of ideas has truly been the heart of our success.

Not only did we enhance our e-services, but we also fostered a collaborative spirit that will undoubtedly continue to thrive even after the project's conclusion. The bonds we've formed will serve as the foundation for future ventures, paving the way for even greater achievements.
As we bid farewell to BETTER, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the partners involved. Your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment have made this endeavor an a success. Let's take a moment to celebrate and look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead!