On the mornings of 11th to 14th of January 2021, a knowledge transfer seminar will be held in Portugal, in which different entities from the respective countries of the project partners with responsibilities on different topics will speak, as well as the study visit and exchange activities. experiences, under the BIGDATA 4RIVERS project, which in the current context we live in will be held online.
Opening the week, on 11th January, we start with the opening of the knowledge transfer seminar where the theme of the morning will be the Water Framework Directive (main instrument of the European Union Water Policy, which establishes a framework for community action protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater). The purpose of this panel will be to exchange experiences, difficulties and good practices associated with the transposition of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in each Member State
On the 12th January, a virtual study visit will take place where two good practices practiced in Portuguese territory will be presented, followed by a period of activities to exchange experiences with some of the stakeholders of each partner. The two Portuguese good practices presented will be “SI.ADD: Information and Decision Suport System for water resources management in the north region of Portugal” that arose from the need to compile, organize and systematize information on water resources, on a geographical basis, to support decision-making processes, namely in the preparation of Plans Management of the Northern Hydrographic Regions; and the “NOR-WATER: Emerging pollutants in the waters of Galicia - Northern Portugal: new tools for risk management” project, where the focal purpose is to identify the main emerging pollutants (PEs) and their sources in the basins of Northern Portugal and Galicia, in addition to developing, implementing and harmonizing a set of innovative multidisciplinary tools to mitigate the impact of PEs on these masses of water.
On January 13, we start the second day of the knowledge transfer seminar, the theme of the morning will be the importance of Operational Programs for the improvement of water quality and for the efficiency of infrastructure where experiences, difficulties and good practices will be exchanged in the context of the implementation of the Policy Instruments addressed by the project, especially the Operational Programs (OP), with regard to the project's theme. It will also be discussed the contribution (current and future) of these instruments to the improvement of water quality and intelligent water management.
And finally, on 14th January, we closed the activities with the third day of the knowledge transfer seminar, where the theme of the morning will be Conclusions, lessons learned and good practices already identified throughout the activities of the BIGDATA 4RIVERS project, which will inform participants of the results obtained to date within the scope of the project, namely within the scope of the Joint Analytical Report (JAR), especially in terms of identified good practices, the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the management and monitoring of water and difficulties and opportunities to improve the policy instruments addressed.