CHERISH partner EUCC-D (The Coastal Union Germany) published a new issue of the ‘Coastal & Marine’ Magazine, with contributions from all CHERISH partners!

The ‘Coastal & Marine’ is an illustrated magazine of the Coastal & Marine Union and aims at those professionally involved in coastal management and planning but also at residents, tourists and everyone who is interested in coastal matters.

The new issue informs about “Natural and Cultural Heritage of European Coastal Communities” and includes interesting articles and pictures from all CHERISH partner regions. By leafing through the pages of this magazine, the reader can get an overview of important traditions related to fishery, boats constructions and people’s stories. Combined with creativity and innovation, some of these are becoming business opportunities for the present and future generations. Additionally, thanks to the cooperation with the Interreg South Baltic Project DUNC, one can learn about the history of the South Baltic area and the origins of some of the most beautiful cities as well as natural areas perched along the Baltic Sea coasts. The magazine is an invitation to go deeper into European coastal traditions and landscapes.

The magazine was created within Interreg Europe project CHERISH (Creating opportunities for regional growth through promoting Cultural HERitage of fISHing communities in Europe) and the Interreg South Baltic project DUNC (Development of UNESCO Natural and Cultural Assets).

You can find the online version of the magazine here.