The COLOR CIRCLE Action Plan, adopted on 19 October 2022, is a call for innovation and greater cooperation at the regional level on issues related to the circular economy.

Through the COLOR CIRCLE action plan, the Regional Development Agency Centru (PP5) aims to support the creation of 5 working groups on CE-related topics (WGs). These working groups are inspired by the knowledge tables organised by PP4 around the Fjieldlab approach and will support cooperation among regional stakeholders, involving all 4-types of organisations built around the quadruple helix. The WGs are a tool to define regional needs and will prepare the implementation of the Open Innovation Platform, a strategic project developed under RP Centru, the policy instrument addressed within the project. During the one-year monitorisation period, PP5 will organise 5 regional meetings (one/working group) and within these meetings, will integrate the results of these meetings into the guidelines, according to EU’s partnership and multi-level governance principles and with the support of the RSG, will prepare at least one concept note, an innovative project involving both academia and public organisation and will prepare it for submission under the strategic project developed under RP Centru

The COLOR CIRCLE action plan PP5 supports the development of circular economy innovative solutions and stimulates the transition towards a circular economy in the small communities of the Centru region.