The developement of the Action Plan for the “Inner Area” of the Central and Outer Giudicarie Valleys involved numerous meetings with the related municipalities.

Three meetings were held in the area, which were attended by the mayors, the municipal secretaries and the main institutional stakeholders. The meetings took place in Tione at the headquarters of the Comunità di Valle on the evenings of November 4th and November 21st, 2022. During the meetings, the opportunities, the rules related to the planning and implementation of the strategies were presented to the representatives of the territory. Approximately 50 institutional representatives attended each meeting.

After the meeting, the nomination of the “leading municipality” has been formalised (municipality of Tione di Trento).

The planning group met in Trento with representatives of the Autonomous Province of Trento on May 17th, 2023. During the meeting, which was attended by trainers and politicians of the municipalities involved for a total of 11 people, working modes, timings for elaborating the strategies and above all the methods of involving citizens and stakeholders have been defined.

The citizens were reached individually through a communication via the institutional website of each municipality, which informed them of the opportunity and of the main guidelines of possible actions.

The citizens were invited to fill in an on-line questionnaire based on their needs, interests and orientations.

Based on the results of the questionnaires, a working paper and a first draft of the strategy will be prepared, which will be discussed with the representatives of the business world and trade unions and with the most significant stakeholders.

Successively, focus groups with stakeholders in the three sectors of HEALTH, EDUCATION and MOBILITY will be identified.

Additional focus groups will allow the project team to discuss their strategy with the provincial governance and coordination team. This will be followed by the conveyance of the strategy proposal to the Central Department for subsequent negotiation.