MOBI.E is the public company of Portugal that ensures the management of the energy and financial flows resulting from the operations of the electric mobility network. Its model is based on interoperability and universal access by users and can integrate different players in the value chain.

On October 6th 2020, MOBI.E launched a public tender to select up to 4 companies to install 10 electric vehicle’s charging hubs, to strengthen the public access to the charging infrastructure with more 90 stations. This tender is part of the Government's Economic and Social Stabilization Program, with a 1.75 million Euro financing from the Portuguese Environmental Fund. The public investment results from a partnership between MOBI.E and several Portuguese municipalities.

In this sense, MOBI.E will be accountable for the charging equipment installation, as well as its connections to the power grid, and the municipalities will ensure the selection, availability and licensing of the charging hub. Each electric vehicle charging hub will include an ultra-fast charging station (150 kW), three fast charging stations (50 kW) and five normal charging stations (22 kW), which will allow the simultaneous charging of 18 vehicles.

Luís Barroso, Chairman of MOBI.E, stated: "During the installation process, a public procurement procedure will be launched for the concession of the operation of the hubs, in order to ensure that the start of its operation occurs until the end of the first half of 2021."