On the 10th September 2021, GPP-STREAM project manager, Mr. Nicolò Tudorov participated to the national conference: “Il valore della certificazione in edilizia: prodotti, edifici e professionisti”. The event took place during the first day of the Ecocasa fair, one of the biggest fairs on house construction, sustainability and energy savings in the Italian northeast, and it revolved around the topic of GPP and the minimum environmental criteria (CAMs) for the construction sector.

Mr. Tudorov held a speech of 30 minutes illustrating the activities and goals of GPP-STREAM project, as well as the main aspects involved in the GPP Regional Action Plan elaborated by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Numerous people from the general public and professionals of the construction sector, including engineers, architects, surveyors, industrial experts and SMEs, attended the event and became acquainted with GPP-STREAM activities and objectives.

Participants in this event were mainly people from the general public and numerous professionals of the construction sector, including engineers, architects, surveyors, industrial experts and SMEs, attended the event. Also policy makers and staff of the public administration participated to the event, both as speakers and attendees.

Program of the event can be found here.