A high-speed, driverless transport network could transform the way people get around in Milton Keynes after the City Council successfully secured government funding to research the innovative project.

Advanced Very Rapid Transport (AVRT) is a new concept in mass transit, using automated vehicles on purpose-designed segregated pathways. The City Council secured £200,000 funding to commission a study to determine how the AVRT project could fit in with the city’s current and proposed infrastructure. It also builds on the City Council’s ambitions to deliver well-planned and sustainable growth through its New City Plan.

The study will look at how AVRT could provide future transport solutions and deliver fast, frequent and reliable public transport. An area of key routes around 18 miles in and around Milton Keynes will be the focus of the study.

Milton Keynes City Council already has ambitious plans to boost MK’s smart city reputation through delivering a modern mass transit system. The study will analyse how the systems could be integrated and build on the City Council’s innovation and sustainability ambitions.