On the 12 th and 13 th of March, LAMORO Development Agency hosted the second transnational meeting for KEEP ON project, in Asti, Italy. It was an important moment to analyse the progress of the project as well as to discuss about the following steps and activities.

During the meeting, LAMORO also organised two study visits. The first one was about the private governance model of the Fondazione Asti Musei-Asti Museum Foundation that is in charge of the management of 5 museums in the city of Asti, restored with the fundings of the Regional Operative Plan 2007-2013. The Foundation was born on October 2018 and it is a new opportunity for the territory: the network of museums grouped in the Foundation assured a good implementation and valorisation of the cultural heritage on the territory.

The second study visit was about the complex management of the Natural Park of Stupinigi Castle (near Turin). The Regional Authority is the owner of the Natural Park and since the Park was funded in the previous programming period (intervention on the restoration of hunting roads, historical woods and pathways), also in the current programming period the Regional Authority will fund the new restoration of new hunting roads with the Regional Operative Plan 2014-2020. This decision is linked to the necessity concentrate the fundings in few project in order to assure good impacts at territorial level. Also, the second funding is linked to the previous funding in order to guarantee sustainability of the project.