Six partners from Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Portugal and Sweden have launched the OptiWaMag “Optimization of waste management in urban spaces and in households” Interreg Europe project in August 2019.

The internal survey was initiated by the Lead Partner, it had 7 questions regarding the process, and expectations. The results showed that participants were satisfied with the project evolution and also with the internal processes: the respondents found Optiwamag tools (survey, spider diagram, workshops, partner meetings) helpful regarding their individual learning - avg 4.1 out of 5 points.
It turned out, that the stakeholder workshops and the partners meeting were the most popular instruments. Also the best features of the OptiWaMag project are partners’ cooperation and the in-depth understanding of the waste management sector. Also the majority of the participants already identified the exact topic - within waste management - they will move forward with to improve the policy document.

The most mentioned obstacles, which are slowing down the evolution of the project are the Covid 19 situation and lack of stakeholders’ availability.    
In summary, the result of the evaluation showed that the participants appreciating the project and they highlight the interpersonal communications, especially the stakeholder workshops and partner meetings as popular tool in the project.

The objective of Optiwamag is to offer innovative proposals to optimize the management policies of urban solid waste and in households, through the development of regional action plans to improve their efficiency.