South Muntenia Regional Development Agency organized the third Local Stakeholder Group Meeting on December 8th, 2020, online, through the ZOOM application.
13 participants attended the event, representing the national and local public authorities, business associations , clusters, research institutes.
To the participants of the event were presented useful information about: the stage and future actions within the SinCE-AFC project, the 3rd interregional project event and partners’ meeting (organized by ADR Sud Muntenia on 5th-6th October 2020), Study Visit in the Region of Central Macedonia (event organized by the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia (Greece), in November 26th).
Two members of the LSG, representing the National Research-Development Institute for Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest and the National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry - ICECHIM - Călărași branch, presented their impressions about the project partners' meeting on 5th October 2020, providing useful information and practical examples, which they learned during the meeting.