On the 26th September 2019, the South Muntenia Regional Development Agency,  stakeholder in the BIOREGIO project, attended the 6th Regional Meeting of the Stakeholders Group interested in reviewing policies for the circular economy, event organized by  the National Institute of Research and Development for Chemistry and Petrochemistry, in Bucharest.
During the meeting,  South Muntenia Regional Development Agency presented the project SinCE-AFC" Enhancing the Entrepreneurship of SMEs in Circular Economy of the Agri-Food Chain", financed from INTERREG Europe Program, the fourth call.
Also, during the meeting were presented the stage of implementation of the BIOREGIO project and the results obtained, debates were held on the preparation of the BIOREGIO Action Plan, the improvement of the policy instrument through the Action Plan in support of the circular bioeconomy and good examples were presented practices in the field of circular economy.
The event brought together representatives of the public administration, economic agents, operators of public utilities and recyclers, in order to analyze the main financing instruments existing at national level in support of the circular bioeconomy and to discuss the problems related to the closure of the flows of organic matter, reducing food waste and harnessing the potential of biomass and bioproducts.