The stakeholder meeting about WLE in the RiverPark Meuse, was a day of special meetings. Would a local wine maker, a restaurant keeper, a bushcraft organiser or a walking therapist be interested in participating in this project? Well, they did!

In the morning, after a short introduction by Katrien Schaerlaekens and Raymond Tilmans, mostly touristic organisations and -entrepeneurs brainstormed about possibilities and challenges for the RiverPark Meuse.

In the afternoon, the discussion went on with a new focuss: nature and health. We talked about natural burials, burn out therapy, healthy villages, reflection activities and other possible business cases where the nature of the RiverPark Meuse plays a key role. Both entrepeneurs and partner organisations went home with a lot of new ideas to think about. 

Here you can find the minutes of the meeting.