During the Final Dissemination Event - to be organised in Leipzig as well as online - the 2050 CliMobCity project results will be presented and discussed. Also, site visits to project related initatives in the city will be organised.

The process of Interregional Learning resulted in a productive interaction of approaches, policy initiatives and exchange of knowledge, enriched by seminar sessions and site visits. During the FDE we will shortly discuss the main outcomes (see also the Newsletter section of this website).

As a main product of the project, the participating cities developed Action Plans addressing their regional Policy Instruments. During the FDE the implementation of the actions will be discussed (see also the Library section of this website for more information).

A major effort of the project went into the 'Demonstration' part, where policy actions aiming to reduce carbon emissions were combined into measure packages and the effects of these measures were analysed in mobility and CO2e emission models. Both the approach and the results are highly relevant for other cities working in these challenges and will therefore be presented and discussed during the FDE (see the 'Short Demonstrations Summary' in the Library of this website).

The FDE will also feature guest speakers: Anja Hähle-Posselt and Simone Ariane Pflaum on Climate policies in Leipzig, Björn Weber (DIFU) on sustainable mobility experiences, Georgia Ayfantopolou (HIT) on living labs, Izabela Szczesik Zobek (ZIT) on sustainable policies in Bydgoszcz, and Luis Costa (PIK) on the EUCityCalc project and model.

Participation to the event (on site or on line) is free*, but registration via [registration form] is required.

For the full program, click here [*.pdf]

*refers to participating in the program sessions and site visits; the costs for transport, drinks, meals, hotels etc. are for own account of the participant