On 9 October 2021, CTRIA/KDRIÜ organised a dissemination event called TextilePicnic2021 in Szabadbattyán (a small village in Central Transdanubia, Hungary). The event was well attended and hosted by the local community centre and warmly supported by the municipality.

The aim of the event was to show and promote the possibilities of textile reuse through three channels. On the one hand, we organised practical sessions where we made different souvenirs out of textile waste, and on the other hand, we organised an exhibition to show what can be made out of clothes before they are thrown away. Finally, we organised a collection of socks, jeans, ties and T-shirts, which will be given a new life by the hands of craftsmen. Socks are made into insulating material, jeans into utilitarian and gift items, ties into clothes and T-shirts into jewellery. At the end of the event, textile reuse professionals shared their experiences in a round table discussion.