On 29th of January 2021, Friday, 11 am (CET) Lithuanian, Navara and Wallonia partners of 40Ready project met to discuss the Lithuanian financing measure “Industry digitalization LT”, which was administrated by Lithuanian business support agency. This meeting is part of the project activities aimed at fostering exchange within the partnership between those interested in potential transfer of successful practices already implemented within different regional contexts.

The main aspects of project financing conditions (PFC) of the measure “Industry digitalization LT" were presented to partners and discussed during this meeting.

This meeting was organized according to partners from Wallonia and Navarra request to deepen their knowledge in organizing calls for SMEs to implement technology audits.

The main elements of this exchange were the:

  1. Statistics of two calls for measure "Industry digitalization LT".
  2. Possible activities and goals of the measure.
  3. Main requirements in project financing conditions: for applicants, their eligibility, expenditure, annexes etc.
  4. Priority criteria.
  5. Improvements in 2nd PFC.
  6. Good practices learnt from 1rst call of this measure.
  7. Questions from partner countries.

At the end, it was agreed that partners need to deepen their knowledge is some specific questions which will be sent to the implementing agency – Lithuanian business support agency.

Here below some screenshots taken during the event: