On October 8th, Slovenia’s Healthcare Ecosystem stakeholders met at Technology park Ljubljana to discuss the results of the OSAT survey, developed in the ACSELL Interreg Europe project.
Mojca Cvirn from Technology park Ljubljana and Janko Burgar from the company Cosylab moderated the workshop. After an introduction to the ACSELL project and some of the already developed best-practices of project’s partners (namely, from Scotland & Denmark), the participants were grouped into pairs.
Each of the pair then discussed a particular dimension of the OSAT survey, agreed on the grade and then the consensus grade was made based on the grade given by all pairs. In many cases the stakeholders agreed on the overall grade, but on some particular dimensions (e.g., innovation management) the views differed, which is reflected in the consensus diagram.
All participants agreed that the ACSELL project, and TPLJ’s HealthDay.si community are the best step forward toward a more innovation-inclusive healthcare system in Slovenia.