Part 1: Aims of the workshops

The workshops were organized with the following aims:

  • The main aim was to discuss and agree on how the Thematic Fields can support the action planning partners.
  • The TF Leaders could give a deeper insight of the aspects/possibilities/difficulties of the Thematic Field
  • It provided an opportunity for a deep dive into the relevant good practices and other project findings (such as regional needs analysis, stakeholder activities, study visits)

Supporting documents for the session: 

  • Presentation: AU_TF_workshop1_v1.pptx

Part 2: TF-MARKET Workshop 

TF Leaders presented the Toolkit proposed by TF-Market. It includes the following elements:

  • Desk review of reports on regional market opportunities, relevant strategic/policy documents and drivers, wider economic context and trends (including taking account of COVID-19).
  • Stakeholder management plan: Preparation of a participation matrix setting out the key partners (e.g. quadruple helix: society, industry, academia, public sector) and inputs required / responsibilities (e.g. funding, coordination, policy) to support UAV cluster development 
  • Expanded Regional Stakeholder workshop (with partners identified through the matrix) to discuss UAV opportunities and take up (including the identification of strong / interesting case study examples) and other considerations such as barriers to market participation 
  • Stories (Insight Journalism): Preparation of case studies which showcase UAV activity and opportunities in the region 
  • Stories (Insight Journalism): Preparation of case studies which showcase UAV activity and opportunities in the region 
  • Summary report: Will bring together the key findings from previous stages. The methodology paper will provide a suggested structure for this short report.

The below timeline was proposed. In case the extension will be approved, the timeline will be revised accordingly. 

Then, a MURAL exercise was carried out by using the following link and partners are asked to complete the dashboard with their inputs.

Supporting documents for the session: 

  • Presentation: AU_TF_Market_presentation_UCLan.pptx
  • MURAL link

Part 3: TF-Social Workshop 

TF Leaders presented the proposed inputs and tools offered by TF-Social to support the action planning regions. These include the followings:

  • Citizen / expert debate night
  • Early results memorandum for TF-Social
  • Action Menu with

        - policy recommendations

        - suggestions for further research/projects

        - good practices (e.g. Urban Lab, Readiness Scan, Debate Night, etc.)

The menu can be used by all action planning regions to enrich their action plans. 

Supporting documents for the session: 

  • Presentation: AU_TF_Social_presentation_LP.pptx

Part 4: TF-Inno

TF Leaders gave an overview on the three top drone uses where innovation has a great influence:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Interregional transport
  3. Health service drones

Further guidance on these fields will be provided by the TF Leaders (RISE & Osijek)

TF-Inno proposed the following expected outputs:

  • Innovation Research Gap analysis
  • Advances made from Good Practices reaching the 3 drone impacts / visions

In the action plans to be prepared in each region, a vision should be presented as well. For that, TF-Inno can contribute with inputs.

Supporting documents for the session: 

  • Presentation: AU_TF_Inno_presentation_RISE.pdf

All documents are available here:;