The TE 2 was organized in cooperation of Tartu City (consulted by Kristina Reinsalu) and Project Secretariat.
There were two keynote addresses and three thematic workshops (. The thematic event ended with partner´s reflections on lessons learnt from speakers/experts and cases presented by them during TE2. In addition to that, there were two study visits and additionally, the partners were provided with opportunity to attend sTARTUpDay 2020 on 30-31 January 2020.
On the first day a Program Director of Smart Governance at e-Governance Academy, Linnar Viik introduced Estonian e-government Ecosystem and strategical decisions. There were workshops led by Ian Mansell and Filippo Costa. After the conclusions of the day the participants had opportunity to visit SPARK Demo Center.
On the second day was opened with keynote speech about e-services, innovation and Smart City solutions in Tartu, given by the Deputy Mayor of Tartu, Raimond Tamm. The third workshop entitled “How can Public Administration design facilitation processes to support and create opportunities for open innovation” was moderated by Janno Siimar, and focused on how to apply design methods in a public service development process and how to define success in public sector innovation. After the wrap-up session and overview of the next steps, the participants had a possibility to visit new and innovative Estonian National Museum.
BETTER thematical event continued with the possibility to visit sTARTUp Day Business Festival, where the participants were able to explore various innovation centers, incubation programs and the startup ecosystem.