The BETTER team decided that its Thematic Event #03 will be held in a virtual-only format due to continued public health concerns related to coronavirus / COVID-19, and to support the health and well-being of our stakeholders, staff and providers and other meeting participants.
The event was initially planned to take place in Birmingham (UK) in the form of an in-person meeting at a physical location.
The now virtual event contains a series of workshops and will be held on three separate days as follows:
- 16 June, 10:00 – 12:00 CET - Workshop #01: “Building partnership for data collection: providing the evidence to stimulate effective working across public and private sector”
- 17 June, 10:00 – 12:00 CET Workshop #02: “Data visualization: A way of effectively engaging with our citizens and across public and private sector”
- 18 June, 10:00 – 12:00 CET Workshop #03: “Public Sector Reform: How can data be used to support the objectives of public administrations and foster more integrated working and management models?”
BETTER staff, stakeholders and experts are attending the event which aims to:
- improve/implement your learning needs and provide a launchpad for the interregional learning activities (Aug 20 – July 21)
- find out common interests
- examine/discover Good Practices to study
- develop new ideas and improve your TO DO LIST
With the lessons learned through Thematic Event #03, partners prepare an improved TO DO LIST together with a possible “unmet learning needs” list in order to be able to:
- start planning the future Study Visits;
- try to find other Good Practices to meet the “unmet learning needs”;
- contribute to the organization of the next TE#04 in order to meet any unmet learning needs
Looking forward to proceed.
Better team