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STUDY VISIT #02 - Presenting Swedish good practices to the BETTER partnership
Date: 13:00 CET June 04, 2021
”Location”: Microsoft Teams
13.00-13.15 Welcome to Gävle! Annika Lundqvist, Head of International office
13.15-14.30 Open data in Gävle municipality by Marie Nilsson,Head of Digitalisation unit
Organisation, system and principles of open data;
Release of data and users;
Challenges and how to meet them;
Presentation, Q&A and discussion;
14.30-14.40 Break
14.40-16.00 Solving problems: A user driven approach to large scale data innovation by Henrik
Mazzanti and Magnus Engström, Future Position X (
Example of how an organisation use the open data;
From data lake to data warehouse;
Why the “if you build it they will come” is a waste of time and resources.
Finding the end user; Solving problems
Presentation, Q&A and discussion
16.00 Closure