Import workshop #01 - Birmingham adopts Gävle's and Tartu's good practices
"Location": Microsoft Teams
Date: 10 February 2022
Host: Birmingham, UK
10.00 – 10.05 Background of DIPS Iain Mansell
10.05 – 10.30 The DIPS project and progress so far.What has gone well/not so well for our approach? What are the emerging themes? How does this fit with SMES?
by Patrick Bek
10.30 – 10.50 Discussion/ questions from Gavle and Tartu
10.50 – 11.05 Presentation of the RAP by Steve Harding
11.05– 11.35 Questions
11.35-12.00 New ideas to be included in the RAP: Future funding; Cyber discussion; Facilitating co-operation between our SMEs to internationalise their markets; International brokerage to boost innovation by 10% - how can we measure?
by Lloyd Broad and Iain Mansell