Import workshop #02  - Tartu incorporates good practices from Gävle and Nyíregyháza.

"Location": Zoom & SPARK demo Narva mnt 2, Tartu
Date: 11 February 2022
Host: Tartu, EE


10.00-10.15     Introduction of the agenda & Objectives of BETTER project by Artur Kamberg                           Moderator and Anneli Säälik Service Development Manager
10.15-11.00     Gävle good practices: Service design and e-services including Organisation of digital                           renew; Examples of working methods/tools; An e-service: Submit your proposal to                           Gävle municipality /errors (problems) you can report to Gävle by Marie Nilsson,          
                          Head of Digitalisation Unit
11.00-11.10     Break
11.10-11.40     Nyíregyháza good practices: Budget visualization; Urban Dialogue by Örs Szokolay                           Managing Director CEURINA and Nikoletta Lupo Project Manager of MEGAKOM
11.40- 12.00   Introduction of the main key points of the draft Tartu Regional Action Plan (RAP)                          Comments and discussion with experts of partners by Artur Kamberg and                          Anneli Säälik
12.00-14.00    Workshop continues as Tartu's internal event