STUDY VISIT #06 - Presenting Swedish good practices to the BETTER partnership

Date: 13:00 CET October 27, 2021

13.00-13.10 Welcome!                                                                                                                                                         Annika Lundqvist,Head of International office
13.10-14.30 Service design in Gävle municipality                                                                                            
                      Presentation, Q&A and discussion;
                      The ”methodology” Innovationsguiden (Innovation Guide) by the Swedish Association of                       Local Authorities and Regions;   
                      Organization of the ”Digital renewal” team, start, set-up and collaboration with                       other teams/professions;
                      Integration and working with the mindset/methodology within the municipality;
                      Examples of working methods in different projects – good practice
14.30-14.40 Break
14.40-16.00 E-services in Gävle municipality Presentation Marie Nilsson, Head of Digitalisation                          unit; Q&A and discussion
                      Processes where an e-service is only a part of the outcome of the work; Benefits
                      for the end-user as well as the municipality; Transformation of Social services -
                      economical support; Internal services for employees; Examples of developed processes/
16.00            Closure