During the Covid 19 Lockdown Genoa Municipality demanded to his inhouse ICT company Liguria Digitale to create a useful tool to prevent the spread of the virus.
Liguria Digitale and TIM of course put their know-how and tools at the disposal of institutions with the ambition of being at the forefront even in the face of this emergency call.
In this context, data related to population and mobility had been a fundamental support for competent authorities’ decisions and provided innovative planning tools useful for better defining controls and monitoring on the territory.
Thanks to all the efforts made and thanks to investments in highly qualified technologies and human resources, Liguria Digitale could make available a Big Data Analytics Platform that allows, in full compliance with GDPR, to have a population monitoring systems with particular reference to:
- All incoming movements from other regions;
- All outward movements towards other regions;
- All movements that originate and go to internal municipalities of Liguria region;
- Movements between provinces in the region;
- Movements within a specific province (inbound and outbound);
- Movements between the “ACE” (Census Area) of the same city (in and out).
In addition, thanks to the collaboration of Data Scientists and TIM technicians, they produced some interactive digital reports that allowed to highlight, in relation to the city of Genoa:
- All travels between the Census Areas of the municipality (ACE to ACE, attributable to the city districts);
- All the movements inside the Census Area of the municipality.
This way we had anonymous monitoring of the residents and we were able to identify areas of anomalous aggregation by time slot, managing to highlight not only where people were concentrated incorrectly but also from which area / neighborhood they came from. This provided innovative planning tools, unthinkable until some time ago, useful for better defining controls and monitoring on the territory.
You can find more detailed info at the following link: