How can we ensure transferability of good practises in social business for the upcoming period 2021 -2027? was only one of the questions discussed at the international workshop on the challenges and good practices of SMEs in V4 countries, which took place on 22 January 2020 at the Slovak Business Agency, one of the BRESE project partners. 

During the Workshop, delegates of the Visegrád Four - Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary - discussed the family businesses, young Entrepreneurs and social businesses. Within this framework, our project partner also presented the BRESE Project with its objective to contribute to the transferability of good practices for social businesses beyond 2020. 

If you want to get more Information on the "V4 Partnership on Entrepreneurship" check out SBA's Website here. To stay up to date with the BRESE Project and follow us on our journey of identifying best practices, follow us on Facebook and Twitter