BERRY+ S3 partnership regional policy organisations met online on 29.11.2022 to discuss regional policy initiatives linked to methodological and business development solutions. It capitalised on the value chain mapping methodology developed during the 3rd period of the BRIDGES project. It was a working group meeting addressed especially to Malopolska stakeholders (businesses and research).

The meeting was hosted by the Malopolska Region PL (BP10) and included contributions from the participating regions  Kainuu FI BP1, Helsinki-Uusimaa FI BP2, Western Macedonia GR BP4, Friuli Venezia Giulia IT BP5, Malopolska PL BP10, and Lapland FI BP11.

Contributors addressed BERRY+ value chain and interregional complementarity issues. Benefits to businesses and concrete ways of liaising across regions at strategic as well as tactical levels were addressed.

The agenda of the meeting and the presentations are available here.