What is the role of the digital innovation ecosystem (DIGEM) for the single company prosperity? How digital innovation can be accelerated not only from inside but also from outside? CARPE DIGEM project aims at building capacity in partners and stakeholders on this topic.
Fор the past five years, MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte have investigated digital maturity, focusing on the organizational aspects of digital disruption rather than the technological ones. They have examined companies at the early, developing, and maturing stages of digital transformation and have seen increasing signs of separation between more and less mature organizations.
Their last (2019) research finds that the gaps can often be explained by a company’s approach to innovation: Digitally maturing companies are not only innovating more, they are innovating differently.
This innovation is driven in large part by the collaborations established externally through DIGEM - digital innovation ecosystems - and internally through cross-functional teams. Both ecosystems and cross-functional teams increase organizational agility.
Projects usually focus either on hard, such as infrastructure, skills, materials, or soft resources, such as internal/external support, knowledge, etc. However, to successfully develop and implement Digital Innovation Eco-systems, which will enable each stakeholder in peripheral Europe to become a player in the ‘permanent evolution of digital technologies’, it is crucial to involve both type of resources in the process. Such process that involves both hard and soft resources will be provided by CARPE DIGEM partnership.