CD-ETA project partner Association of the Municipalities of the Ribera Alta Region (MANRA), Spain, received a written engagement from the Valencian Government - a letter from the Regional Vice Minister of Innovation and Digital Transformation  Mr. Jordi Juan (in head of the matters of technological innovation and development of Valencian Innovation System and promoting innovation projects in municipalities). The digital experience of the MANRA (started as a result of the participation in the Interreg Europe project CD-ETA) is considered by the Valencian government as a source of inspiration in the elaboration of the mentioned grants. "MANRA experience is considered of great interest to be exported to other local entities through these grants".

In addition as a result of the development of the MANRA Action Plan and Riberana Project, and and after a meeting with the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in the Valencian Government, MANRA get to influence in the Policy Instrument ERDF also in the cultural field.

The innovative Riberana Project, as an instrument for the Dissemination and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage, is a source of influence for the Regional Valencian Budget and funds from ERDF for local entities focused on Heritage and Cultural preservation.

Specifically, the General Directorate of Culture (in charge of the conservation, protection, enrichment, restoration, dissemination and promotion of the Valencian cultural heritage) through the program 454.10 “cultural promotion, artistic heritage and museums”, line S0115000 (Infrastructure and cultural equipment) with the grants for local administrations, will be influenced by the experience of the digitization of cultural and natural heritage carried out by the MANRA, as a result of the participation in the Interreg Europe CD-ETA Project, as it is proven in the signed letter by the General Directorate of Culture and Heritage, Carmen Amoraga.

“We consider this experience as a source of inspiration in the preparation of the call for future preservation grants, and we recognize the interest in exporting its participation to other local entities”.