We would like to invite you to Workshop called: Cirkuluj a žij udržitelně! (Circulate and live sustainably! )

The Workshop will be held on 9 July 2020 from 4 pm at the amazing place Ostrava Expat Centre.

Barbora Kebová (INCIEN) will explain the basics of the circular economy, what opportunities it brings and why we need to start thinking differently. Specifically, we will dive into the topic of sustainable food. Using examples of good practice from the Ostrava region, we will show where these principles already work.



4 pm - 5 pm Barbora Kebová, an expert in circular economy, especially the field of gastronomy

5 pm - 5:30 pm LAURA Coffee, an example of good practice in gastronomy

5:30 pm - 6 pm time for discussion

More information is available on the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/events/616889469031798/


In the next 6 months, we will discover other topics and come to terms with them together:

  • August: Products and materials that like to be recycled - repair them at home with Martin Jurek
  • September: Sustainable from the cradle (what really needs a baby) -With Kristýna Farkašová; https://www.ebuu.cz/
  • October: Upcycling of clothes - with Petra Nedbálková, Recyklátor; https://recyklatorcz.cz