CECI Third interregional meeting ”The action planning process”


2-3 June 2021, digital meeting hosted by the city of Mechelen, Belgium

Day 1: 2nd of June 2021

9:15    Welcome and catch-up-icebreaker
9:30-11:30    Thematic workshop: the valorisation of bio-waste
•    Kimmo Rinne, Development Manager of Salpakierto (Lahti)
•    Stefan Van Ouytsel, Coflab (Mechelen) – tbc
•    (Aragon)
•    (Varna)
•    (Ostrava)
•    (Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)
11h30-13h00    Lunch break (with local stakeholders if possible)
13h00-15h00    New approaches to citizen involvement interactive workshop on how to involve local
stakeholders in the action planning process. Hosted by Julie Poppe, city of Mechelen. We will work together on one Miro-board to reflect on the way in which we involve local stakeholders in our action planning process, and to learn from each other’s methodologies to involve local stakeholders or citizens in policy making. The goal is to make a self-assessment of your action planning process, together with your own local stakeholders, in a stage in which you can still mitigate. The second goal is to be inspired by methodologies and reflections of all project partners regarding
approaches to involve citizens, while drafting our action plans (which need to be ready
by February 2022).

Day 2: 3rd of June 2021

9h00-10h30    Action plan progress: each partner prepares a presentation of 15 minutes max. (10 minutes + 5 minutes room for questions and answers)
10h30-10h45    Comfort break
10h45-12h00    Steering group meeting (agenda attached)