The project CESME “Circular Economy for SMEs”, funded by the INTERREG EUROPE Programme, was one of the few projects that were selected by the organizational committee of EWRC 2019 in order its core results to be presented during a session with the title “CESME. Circular Economy for SMEs. When Innovation meets Circular Economy” as well as at the exhibition center “Agora” within the SQUARE Brussels Convention Center at a specially dedicated stand.
On the 8th of October at the conventional center of SQUARE a discussion took place on the various actions and core results of CESME in the Regions which participated to the partnership scheme.
In the beginning of the session, the Director of the INTERREG EUROPE Programme Mr. Erwin Siweris presented the Programme advancements and its future perspective after 2020. The Regions’ activities were presented by Mrs. Chrysathi Kiskini, Head of the Department of EU Projects of the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, Mrs. Valeria Stacchini, Project Manager, from the Metropolitan City of Bologna, Mrs. Georgi Stefanov, Coordinator of the Climate Change and Green Economy Programme at WWF Bulgaria and Mrs. Maria Antikainen, Senior Scientist and Project Manager from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
The latter four speakers, after their presentations, participated to a panel discussion around the existing implementations of Circular Economy in the involved regions and the future exploitation of CESME results.
During the EWRC 2019 days, at the exhibition center “Agora”, the Development Agency of Thessaloniki’s Eastern Municipalities ANATOLIKI S.A. and the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia from Greece as well as the Regional County Council of South Ostrobothnia from Finland provided information about the project CESME. The stand was visited by representatives of the Interreg Europe Programme and other EU organisations, local authorities, academic and entrepreneurial bodies.
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. It is organized by the European Committee for Regions and the DG Region.
This year, the EWRC 2019 was organized from the 7th to the 10th of October at Brussels Square Conventional Center at Mont des Arts.