The CHERISH Steering Committee meeting will be the midterm review of Phase 1 of the project. Partners of all involved regions will look back and to the future to make the best out of the learning from CHERISH.

Central on the agenda is the following issue: ILEEE feedback and reflection/update analysis reports - discussion: What has been done with the feedback from partners and stakeholders? (Middelburg (ILEEE1), Paphos (ILEEE2), Abruzzo (ILEEE3), Cim Alto Minho (ILEEE4)); Which Good Practices are an inspiration for partners so far and why?

Partners will also look into the issue of Stakeholder involvement:

Other than that the project partners will look into the CHERISH detailed work plan, reporting, progress of the project and future events, like the next Interregional Exchnage of Experience Event, which will take place in April in Mallorca.