Last October, Lombardy Region has been invited to present the planning and first results of CircE in two distinguished venues: Parco Tecnologico Padano (Po River Valley Technological Park) in Lodi and Assolombarda (the Industrials Association for Milan, Lodi and Monza e Brianza Provinces) in Milan.

In both cases, the presentations were given to a qualified audience including entrepreneurs, researches and media professionals; in both cases, CircE stakeholders were involved, either as speakers (in Lodi) or in the audience (in Milan).

During the Lodi meeting, which took place on October 18th, the presentation of CircE was framed in a program of lectures spanning from Circular Economic principles to industrial best practices in bioeconomics, concluded by the detailed illustration of an open call for financing projects of R&D in bioeconomics ("TT-Agrilab", CircE stakeholders LGCA (Lombardy Green Chemistry Association) and CAT.AL (Cluster Alta Tecnologia Agrofood Lombardia) were among the speakers; a prominent lecture was given by BiCT, a SME active in the recovery of industrial chemicals from organic waste through enzymatic dissociation. See also

In Milan (October 24th) CircE was brought as a regional experience in the framework of an institutional opening sessions, including interventions from the European Commission, Directorate-General Environment (H. Schally) and the Italian Ministry for the Environment (A. Pansini). In the following session, mentored by V. Biondi of Assolombarda and Prof. F. Iraldo & Dr. I. Bruschi from the Bocconi University, the first results of the CERCA project, aimed at screening a selected panel of enterprises in terms of circular potential, were presented. The screened enterprises include multinational corporations such as 3M, Carlsberg and Syndial (ENI Group), but also Italy-based chemical industries (Bracco, Nitrolchimica, SOL). In the audience not only CircE stakeholders such as Centrocot and Remade, but also editors of the journal "Renewable Matter" were present.

See also