On May 9th, it was launched Catalunya Circular, the Circular Economy Observatory of Catalonia. Catalunya Circular, being part of the National Agreement for the Industry, aims to become a reference node in the green and circular economy in Catalonia. It provides knowledge and information, with the goal to become a hub, where all the circular initiatives, public and private ones, meet.
The ceremony was chaired by the Secretary of Environment and Sustainability, Marta Subirà, and the Secretary of Enterprise and Competitiveness, Joan Aregio. More than 100 people attended, representing various departments and bodies of the Generalitat, local Administrations, business associations, unions and companies.
Finally, 18 companies and associations, business associations, unions and local authorities signed the Catalunya Circular endorsement.
A dynamic circular economy platform
Catalunya Circular hosts a dynamic web platform that focuses on three interlinking areas:
1) INSPIRING AND CATALYSING CIRCULARITY: allows sharing public, private and public-private circular economy initiatives that could serve as examples for other entities or companies, and show the progress and commitment of Catalan society to circular economy. The initiatives are located in a map and classified according the main type of circular economy activity,
2) PROVIDING KNOWLEDGE ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY MODELS: shares resources, documents and tools that give evidence about the benefits and implications of the transition towards a circular model, and
3) ENGAGING AUDIENCE TO CIRCULAR ECONOMY: provides the latest news and agenda of events in Catalonia and abroad.
More information :
Press Release: http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/territori-sostenibilitat/notapremsavw/305979/ca/neix-catalunya-circular-lobservatori-deconomia.do Catalunya circular: mediambient.gencat.cat/catalunyacircular