Meetings with the CircE stakeholders of the textile and beverage sectors were held on June 21st, 2018, at the headquarters of the Secretary of Environment and Sustainability from the Government of Catalonia. More than 30 attendees participated of the successful dialogue about the different level of priority of the circular opportunities detected. 

The aim of the meetings was to discuss with the textile and beverage stakeholders about circular opportunities prioritization taking into account different aspects that would facilitate or hinder the feasibility in Catalonia. The meeting was organized by the Directorate General for Environmental Policies and Natural Environment, Government of Catalonia, in collaboration with AAD Market, market research and business development consultancy. 

The sessions opened up with a brief presentation of detected circular opportunities, based on innovation, market and benchmarking analysis, stakeholders’ meetings and individual interviews with key actors of both sectors, such as relevant companies, cluster managers, business associations and research and innovation centers. This presentation was followed by a dynamic debate that looked for a consensus position of high and low importance for prioritization of the different opportunities in terms of sector interest, time-scale, replicability, government support, sectorial transformation and innovation, social impact and needs of new skills. 

The final prioritization will also take into account calculated KPI (key performance indicators) and will follow the guidelines defined by the project partners.