Franske van Duuren                  

Stichting Kiemt

Email: [email protected]

1. Who are you? Introduce yourself and your functions in your company in a few lines.

I’m Franske van Duuren, I’m a program manager of Circles, a circular program to boost economy in the East of Netherland, I’m working at the network organisation Kiemt, it stimulates the energy transition and boost circular economy.

2. Explain us your circular project in a few lines?

We work together with the government, the universities, education and companies and we try to improve the circular economy model of the region. In order to do that, we help the companies to make a step forward to the circularity and we develop knowledges and tools to accompany companies on that way.

In 2030, we want to have a region without waste and also to reduce 50% of natural resources used.

3. Did the CircE project allow you to meet interesting partners to optimize / go on / develop / even sell your project?

It was my first time among the CircE’s partners here, in Gelderland. At the moment, I’m in touch with Dutch partners and stakeholders and at that point, we are doing some analyses on the project to establish which are the barriers and opportunities for the circularity. This helps a lot our project to take the measure of what has to be done to stimulate circular economy in our region.

But I’m really interested about what people have to say on their circular project in all around Europe. And I want to know more about it.

Maybe we can stay in touch with some of them to contact them afterwards.

4. How did you know about the CircE project?

Our network organisation works a lot with the Province of Gelderland to stimulate the transition, so they asked me to join the CircE project.

I had not heard about it before but the Province of Gelderland warns us about it because their circular aims are the same as us and they thought we would be interested.