During the 16th and the 17th October 2018, the Circe Partner’s meeting took place in Wroclaw/Poland. During these two days, the partners discussed and exchanged together about the “Sharing policy approach” and the circular economy in order to strengthen the diffusion of Circular Economy in Europe.

In the morning, a visit was organized to the Strzeblowskie Mines of Mineral Resources in Sobotka, a remarkable working mine of mineral ressources in terms of waste handling. Every fine particles and waste generated during rock extraction are reused instead of being thrown. This visit enables the partners to have a better understanding of the operation and circular techniques used in this exploitation.


After they tasted traditional Polish food, all the partners came together to exchange their opinions and to discuss. Nor-edine from France and the University of Cagliari from Italy contributed by speaking about their circular project with respect to the raw materials sector. The 8 partners presented their final results of prioritization and what barriers need to be overcome for the prioritized opportunities. The Cd2e presented their communication plan for this semester by highlighting new events related to the circular (Avenir conference).

This event end up by the lead partner’s intervention from the region of Lombardy, who reminded them about the challenges of the project and the deliverable they have to send back for the smooth running of the project. 

These two days were very rich in exchange, sharing and collaboration between all the partners and the professionals. Every partner left happy about this visit, certainly short but very rewarding ! We look forward to the next step in London for a meeting at the London Waste and Recycling Board !