Nick Rawkins

Founder/CEO at, a sustainable recycler and refurbisher of unwanted electronics.

Email : [email protected]


1- Who are you? Introduce yourself and your functions in your company ...

I’m Nick Rawkins, and I started RECONO.ME, a sustainable recycler and refurbisher of unwanted electronics. We work with businesses and households across London, UK, to make sure the electronic devices they get rid of get repaired and resold as high-quality refurbished products.

2- Explain us your circular project in a few lines?

We are not just implementing the circular economy for a specific project, but our entire business lives and breathes circular economy principles. We direct as many devices as possible into reuse. We remove valuable components from what we cannot repair. Even components that are typically seen as waste such as used batteries are now being refurbished by our partner facilities.

3- Is circular economy model more of a challenge or a chance to make new innovative products for your company ?

It is the opportunity that makes our business model relevant. We’re also helping customers achieve their sustainability objectives.

4- Did the Circe project allow you to meet interesting partners to optimize/ go on/ develop/ even sell your project?

It gave me a lot of perspective on policy across the EU. There are a lot of great people figuring out how to encourage this shift to happen as quickly as possible.

5- How did you know about the Circe project?

I was invited as a stakeholder of LWARB.