Rémy Belval

In charge of Public Affairs for T.T.Plast

Email : [email protected]

1 - Who are you? Introduce yourself and your functions in your company ?

My name is Rémy BELVAL, I’m in charge of Public Affairs for T.T.Plast, a french plastic manufacturer and recycler based in Lens in the nord of France.

2 - Explain us your circular project in a few lines?

Due to the impact of the plastic on the environment, TTPlast has decided in 2009 to set up a circular economic model. Therefore we have built 2 regeneration lines and we have established partnerships with our customers to collect their plastic waste. Our products contain now more than 80% of recycled plastic.

3 - Is CE model more of a challenge or a chance to make new innovative products for your company ?

It was a challenge, with the need to learn perform within new activities which are waste collection and plastic regeneration. But it was also an opportunity to propose an integrated solution of plastic waste management to our customers.

4 - Did the Circe project allow you to meet interesting partners to optimize/ go on/ develop/ even sell your project?

The Circe project was really interesting to discover the waste management in Milan and the solutions found by the different actors to reduce waste production and its environmental impact.

5 - How did you know about the Circe project?

I discovered the Circe thanks to the CD2E, the French member of this project. CD2E is working on the development of the circular economy.