On the 31st of May 2019, at Regione Piemonte's headquarters, the 2nd Stakeholder Meeting of CircPro Project  will take place.

Besides CircPro project partners - Regione Piemonte and University of Turin - the involved Stakeholders invited to be updated on activities and events occurred in the 2nd semester, are: 

  • CEIPIEMONTE – Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism, which is the implementing agency for internationalization created in 2006 by Regione Piemonte and the regional Chambers of Commerce;
  • METROPOLITAN CITY OF TURIN, second level local authority which replaced the former Province of Turin from January 1st, 2015
  • CONFINDUSTRIA PIEMONTE, federation of nine Piedmont business associations belonging to the national Confindustria system (the main organization representing manufacturing companies and services in Italy). In Piedmont region, this represents over 6.000 small, medium and large companies working in main sectors of the region's economy
  • INTESA SAN PAOLO INNOVATION CENTER, innovation center of one of the main Italian banking groups dedicated to the investigation of new financial frontiers and strategies to accelerate the development of Italian companies, with particular regard to the mega trends of our society: Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy
  • POLYTECHNIC of TURIN has been - for more than 150 years - one of the most prestigious public institutions at both the International and the Italian levels concerning education, research, technological transfer and services in all sectors of architecture and engineering; its role within CircPro present participation is relevant to its leading partner role in the INTERREG Europe project RETRACE
  • CLEVER INNOVATION CLUSTER , one of 7 Innovation Clusters of Regione Piemonte – co-managed by ENVIRONMENT PARK; its technological and operative areas are energy and energy efficiency, water resources, the circular economy, climate change for infrastructures and distribution networks, sustainable mobility and clean solutions.
  • ICT INNOVATION CLUSTER, one of 7 regional Innovation Clusters - coordinated by TORINO WIRELESS FOUNDATION; it was created in 2009 by Regione Piemonte and its funded through ERDF;
  • SCR PIEMONTE, purchasing company founded and owned by the Regione Piemonte with the aim of rationalize the public spending and streamline procedures for selecting public contractors
  • UNIONCAMERE PIEMONTE is the association of the 8 Chambers of Commerce of the region, door to the regional entrepreneurial system, to the national and European Chambers of Commerce network and to the companies and institutions we participate in partnerships, which operate in all sectors of consultation and technical assistance to companies.