The two-day in-person CISMOB Exchange of Experience Event took place on 18-19th May 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden. The event organised by the CISMOB Advisory Partner was a great opportunity to share knowledge and learn from each other experiences on how regions are developing and implementing solutions (also during the current pandemic) to provide efficient mobility solutions to passengers in accordance with their needs. The Thematic Conference "The future of public transport post-COVID" of the first day gathered several keynote speakers with relevant experience on the topics. The LP presented the CISMOB project and the good practices found so far for surpassing all the adversities caused by the pandemic in people mobility. CISMOB PPs shared the work conducted by the municipality of Águeda, Extremadura Energy Agency, Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority and ITS Romania on flexible and innovative citizen-oriented solutions. Many presentations on taking advantage of the new technologies for improving mobility were delivered, focused on innovative business models in the transport sector and autonomous vehicles in urban areas. During the afternoon, a Capacity Building Workshop on the topic "On DRT solutions for suburban and rural areas" was devoted to sharing experiences on the implementation of mobility solutions between fixed regular public transport and personalised services, such as taxi or carpooling for low-density areas. Special attention was also made to the COVID-19's impact on existing services. The CISMOB internal meeting occurred in the morning of the second day, while a technical visit and a collaborative seminar on "Integration of non-conventional transport modes in urban mobility" took place in the afternoon. PPs visited ITRL - Integrated Transport Research Lab at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and were able to understand the work done by Mia Hesselgren and her team on new mobility technologies and their contribution to a more sustainable, and socially just mobility model. Under the seminar, different solutions for satisfying travellers' needs, such as innovative pricing and fare structures with benefits for both users and companies, group-related Mobility as a Service (MaaS) bundles, and implications of MaaS in urban and rural environments. The participants had the opportunity to understand the research on the new emerging technologies and solutions behind any practical implementation of more automated mobility solutions. All CISMOB PPs and various stakeholders were present. The event gathered together more than 30 participants (both presential and online), involving researchers, practitioners, representatives of Municipalities, private and public transport sector representatives, and mobility consultants. This type of exchange of experience and networking events are crucial for discussing good practices related to how regional authorities have been tackling the issues derived from the pandemic and which novel solutions are to be put into practice.