"Toques and Porcelaine" was an event organised by the city of Limoges, between the gastronomy and the tableware.
Workshops with gourmet chefs, conferences, animations in the city center were organised during 3 days.
The event included the participation with a booth in the National Museum Adrien Dubouché with demonstrations of additive manufacturing of porcelain and animation of a conference called “Ceramic otherwise”.
Visitors of the Museum discovered the additive manufacturing of porcelain, a new process for the creation and the project CLAY. There were 141 visitors on Friday, 725 on Saturday and 823 visitors on Sunday. 30 participants were at the conference.
Website of the event: http://toquesetporcelaine.limoges.fr/programme/
Conference: http://toquesetporcelaine.limoges.fr/2019/07/22/conference-la-ceramique-autrement/
Exposition of PP6: http://toquesetporcelaine.limoges.fr/2019/08/16/exposition-pole-europeen-de-la-ceramique-3/