4th stakeholder meeting will summarize the available tools for clusters to present their activities internationally to better obtain specialized information and to find new partners and projects in the field of their activity. Membership in specialized international platforms (The European Cluster Collaboration Platform and The Cluster Observatory "European) is free for clusters and provides many benefits. Certification through European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis provides cluster building your own brand and to get the European quality system. Cluster management education is provided by European Foundation for Cluster Excellence - an independent foundation and training academy based in Barcelona with mission to teach, evaluate, raise and sustain the competitiveness of regional economic clusters worldwide. The tools themselves are opportunities offered by the European Commission. But it depends on clusters and their management how they us these possibilities.
As a second on the stakeholder meeting will present the policy instrument served to support for cluster organisations, actual situation of the call, realised and approved projects and evaluation of the call (plus and minus).