During the partner meeting in Bucharest 6 good practice were presented to the participants. 

  1. INMA: Innovation Audits 
  2. INMA: Romanian cluster evaluation system 
  3. ADR NE: Monitoring and improvement of RIS3 
  4. ADR NE: trans-regional collaboration between Nord-Est/RO and Alliance of northern regions in Netherlands
  5. Westpannon: Hungarian Cluster Association "kick-starter" for innovation project ideas
  6. IDM-Südtirol: Hackathons

The steering committee meeting was after the presentation and discussion of the good practices. During the steering meeting the LP summarized the status of the project shortly (parter report procedures, communication activities, working programme of the next year etc.).

On 22th and 23th of November 2017 the Clusterix 2.0 partnership participated at the 6th Romanian National Cluster Conference. 

The conference of this year aims to open the door and give glance on future developments which will set the innovation agenda for the years to come.

The event enjoys the presence of eminent representatives of European organizations, national and international clusters, research institutes, universities and companies, renowned experts.

Event topics: 

  • Smart clusters
  • Value chains
  • Business driven innovation
  • Export & business internationalization

Innovation actors are facing a change of paradigm as they move in more and more complex environments.

Clusters have the potential of shaping up the new ecosystems and becoming main drivers of innovation changes.

Clusters in the Eastern Danube face the challenge of becoming active dialogue actors in the process of defining and monitoring regional smart specialization.