The workshop in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities capitalises learnings of the three Interreg Europe projects: CLUSTERIX 2.0, ClusterFY and NMP-REG. It will feature:

• high level policy makers from Flanders, Lithuania and Portugal sharing insights from interregional cooperation for future cluster policies and smart specialisation in their regions as well as

• an outlook on European strategies and programmes from the perspective of INTERREG Europe and DG GROW.


Please find the Agenda here.

To join us please register for the Workshop Future Clusters in Innovation Ecosystems, 15 Oct. 2020, 11:30-13:00 CET (registration deadline 27/9/2020):

1) Create your EU login (with this link:

2) Update your EU login – with your phone number OR with the EU Login App

3) Register to sessions (with this link: