The revised Waste Framework Directive calls for the diversion of biodegradable waste from landfill and incineration. At the same time, regions also have to implement separate collection of biowaste and select a treatment that counts as recycling such as anaerobic digestion and composting. This process offers new opportunities for regions to meet their Renewable Energy targets, to become more energy-independent, and to create new local employment in a circular bio-economy.
This webinar offers local and regional policy makers as well as renewable energy and waste management experts insights into the link between waste management, renewable energy and circular economy and its socio-economic benefits. This is illustrated with three excellent good practices showcasing the separate collection of biowaste to be treated in a biogas and composting plant, the co-digestion of kitchen and agricultural waste and a biogas-powered district heating using local waste streams. You will have the opportunity to engage in questions and discussion with those who have implemented them as well as with our thematic experts.
An agenda and registration form can be accessed at the event website. We kindly ask you to please forward this invitation to your networks. The participation of Structural Funds managing authorities is strongly encouraged.