Project good practices

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Landfill methane (CH4) is microbially oxidized to carbon dioxide. Thereby, the risk of explosion and the emissions of the greenhouse gas CH4 are reduced.
Location: Zuid-Holland, Netherlands (Nederland)
Project: COCOON
Rehabilitation of “La Pitilla” landfill, located in a sensitive area, to guarantee stability, protect environment and, further,develop a recreational area.
Location: Andalucía, Spain (España)
Project: COCOON
An old landfill was completely ecxavated and processed and replaced by a ward.
Location: Prov. Antwerpen, Belgium (Belgique-België)
Project: COCOON
Apart from taxation, sensibilizing citizens to sort their waste is an important measure in reducing unwanted waste streams.
Location: Prov. Antwerpen, Belgium (Belgique-België)
Project: COCOON
The Flemish waste tax system is based on the pay-as-you-throw principle. It is made up out of two taxes: tax on landfilling waste and a tax on combusting waste.
Location: Prov. Antwerpen, Belgium (Belgique-België)
Project: COCOON
The Cedalion and Orion tool ranks a region's landfills to their potential and afterwards calculates a businesscase for the most promising landfills.
Location: Prov. Antwerpen, Belgium (Belgique-België)
Project: COCOON
The remediation of the 100 ha. Volgermeer landfill is a key example of the transition of what was once a heavily polluted waste site into a natural park.
Location: Gelderland, Netherlands (Nederland)
Project: COCOON
Surface cappings and basal liners of landfills have to meet defined technical requirements. The installed quality is monitored by an independent third party.
Location: Brandenburg, Germany (Deutschland)
Project: COCOON
Plant growth on the landfill surface requires nutrients and organic matter in the top soil. Topsoils can be emulated by adding compost to non-humic subsoils.
Location: Brandenburg, Germany (Deutschland)
Project: COCOON
A closed landfill, Treuenbrietzen was remediated by excavation of the landfill body and transfer of the waste to other landfills.
Location: Arnsberg, Germany (Deutschland)
Project: COCOON
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