The Cohes3ion Partners will get together for the final time to hear about the learnings and impacts from the project.
Wednesday 14th December
15:30 17:00: Cohes3ion management final meeting
Final management meeting with the partnership of Cohes3ion.
Thursday 15th December (All times shown are CET)
Interregional Dissemination Event - Closure of Cohes3ion (Bastida lounge, Azkuna Zentroa Alhondiga).
10:00 10:10 Institutional welcome (Olatz Goitia, Managing Director – Beaz Bizkaia (PCB))
10:10 10:25 Interreg Europe: the state of play of interregional cooperation (Vincenzo Caposacale, Interreg EU Technical Secretariat)
10:25 10:50 Keynote speaker Importance of multilevel governance for a successful S3 deployment (Miren Larrea - Orkestra Basque Institute of Competitiveness)
10:50 11:55 Cohes3ion panels: Learnings and Impacts from Cohes3ion
Short introduction video
Panel 1: Refining Overall Frameworks for MLG for S3 Cohes3ion partners from: Bizkaia, Calabria, Southern Region Ireland, Stockholm
Panel 2: Development of specific instruments supporting MLG for S3 Cohes3ion partners from: Mazovia, Ruhr, NW Romania, Wales
11:55 12:00 Closure of event
The event will be facilitated by Jack Vincent
This event will also be steamed live online. Click here to join us